ICSE Class 10 English Language SOLVED Specimen Paper 2025

ICSE Class 10th English Language Solved Specimen Paper 2025

If you are looking for English Language Solved Specimen Paper 2025 Class 10, then you have come to the right place because you will get answers of all the question of ICSE Class 10 English 1 specimen paper 2025 here.

ICSE Class 10 English Language SOLVED Specimen Paper 2025

The Council for Indian School of Certificate Examinations has released the specimen paper of all subjects for the board exam session 2024-25. 

It is beneficial for students who will be appearing in the board exams for the first time in their lifetime because students can easily understand the marking scheme of papers, the types of questions that may come, their difficulty level, and the paper pattern.

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Specimen Paper for Class 10 ICSE English Language 2025 Solved

icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025
icse class 10 english language solved specimen paper 2025

1.(i) Write an original short story in which a woman, her strange neighbor and a police officer form the main characters.

Sarah lived a quiet life in the small town of Greenwood, where every house had its story, and every neighbor had their quirks. Her house was old, with creaking floorboards and ivy creeping up its brick walls. But it was home, and she cherished its cozy familiarity.

Next door lived Mr. Finch, a man shrouded in mystery. He was an elderly, reclusive gentleman, rarely seen outside his house except for the occasional trip to the mailbox. His house was even older than Sarah's, with dark curtains that never seemed to open and an overgrown garden that whispered secrets in the wind.

Sarah had always been curious about Mr. Finch, but she respected his privacy. That was until the strange noises started. It began with faint whispers, almost like the walls themselves were speaking. At first, Sarah dismissed it as the wind, but the sounds grew louder each night, turning into soft, unintelligible murmurs that seemed to come from Mr. Finch's house.

One evening, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Sarah decided to visit Mr. Finch. She knocked on his door, her heart pounding in her chest. After what felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, and there stood Mr. Finch, his piercing blue eyes staring at her from behind thick glasses.

"Can I help you?" he asked in a voice that was surprisingly gentle for someone so mysterious.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Finch," Sarah began, "but I've been hearing some strange noises coming from your house. I just wanted to make sure everything is alright."

Mr. Finch's expression softened, and for a moment, Sarah thought she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes. "It's nothing to worry about, my dear. Just the old house settling. These walls have been around for a long time; they tend to speak their own language."

Sarah nodded, though she wasn't entirely convinced. As she turned to leave, Mr. Finch spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper. "Be careful, Sarah. Not everything is as it seems."

Disturbed by his words, Sarah returned home, but the noises continued. That night, she was awakened by a loud crash. Startled, she rushed to her window and saw a figure moving in Mr. Finch's garden. Fearing for his safety, she dialed the police.

Officer Blake arrived within minutes, his patrol car's lights flashing in the darkness. He was a tall, serious man with a strong sense of duty. Sarah explained the situation to him, and together they approached Mr. Finch's house.

The door was ajar, and as they entered, the whispers grew louder, echoing through the empty hallways. They found Mr. Finch in the living room, standing perfectly still, staring at the wall. His eyes were wide, and he seemed to be in a trance.

"Mr. Finch?" Officer Blake called out, but the old man didn't respond.

Sarah noticed something strange about the wall Mr. Finch was staring at. It was covered in old, faded wallpaper, but beneath it, there seemed to be markings—words etched into the plaster. She stepped closer, and as she peeled back a corner of the wallpaper, she gasped.

The wall was covered in strange symbols and phrases, all written in a language she couldn't understand. But one word stood out, repeated over and over again: "Help."

Officer Blake moved to Mr. Finch, gently shaking him out of his trance. "Mr. Finch, what's going on here?"

The old man blinked, as if waking from a deep sleep. "I tried to warn them," he murmured, his voice trembling. "This house… it holds the memories of those who lived here before. They were trapped, and now they call out for help."

Sarah and Officer Blake exchanged a glance, both realizing the gravity of the situation. The whispers, the symbols, the strange behavior of Mr. Finch—it all pointed to something beyond their understanding.

"We need to leave," Officer Blake said firmly, guiding Mr. Finch towards the door. "This place isn't safe."

As they stepped outside, the house seemed to groan, as if protesting their departure. The whispers grew louder, more desperate, but the three of them kept moving until they were safely outside.

The next day, Mr. Finch was taken to a nearby hospital for observation, and Sarah moved out of her house, unable to bear the eerie memories that lingered within its walls. Officer Blake promised to investigate further, but deep down, they all knew that some mysteries were better left unsolved.

The house remained empty, its whispers fading into the silence of Greenwood. But those who passed by would often say they felt a chill in the air, as if the walls were still trying to speak, still trying to tell their story to anyone who would listen.
And so, the house stood, a silent witness to the secrets it held, its walls whispering softly in the night.

(ii) Imagine Your teacher has asked you to form a group and work on a particular project. Write an account of how you worked together and what each of you learned from the experience.

The Power of Teamwork: Our Science Project Experience

When our science teacher, Mrs. Mehta, asked us to form groups for the upcoming project, I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. Group work could be challenging, but it was also an opportunity to learn from one another. Our project was to create a working model of a water filtration system using simple materials. I teamed up with three of my classmates—Aditi, Raj, and Neha—each of us bringing different strengths to the table.

On the first day, we met after school to brainstorm ideas. Aditi, who was always brimming with creativity, suggested we start with research. Raj, the tech-savvy one in the group, volunteered to find instructional videos and articles online. Neha, with her methodical approach, proposed that we list out all the materials we would need and divide the tasks based on our skills. I, on the other hand, took on the role of keeping us organized and ensuring we met our deadlines.

As we began our research, Aditi found a video that explained the concept of water filtration using layers of sand, gravel, and charcoal. Inspired by this, we decided to create a similar model. Raj helped us understand the technical aspects, explaining how each layer would trap different impurities. Neha carefully noted down the materials, ensuring we didn’t miss anything.

Our next challenge was gathering the materials. We divided the list among ourselves: Aditi and I were to get the sand and gravel, Raj would buy the charcoal, and Neha was in charge of finding a large plastic bottle to serve as the container. This part of the project taught us the importance of coordination. We had to rely on each other to get everything we needed, and it was a lesson in trust and responsibility.

With all the materials ready, we met at Aditi’s house to assemble the model. Raj took the lead, guiding us through the steps. We cut the bottle in half, inverted the top portion, and began layering the materials. First, we added the coarse gravel, followed by the fine sand, and finally, the charcoal. Neha was meticulous, ensuring each layer was evenly spread. Meanwhile, Aditi and I focused on the aesthetics, decorating the bottle with labels and designs to make it presentable.

As we worked, we encountered a few hiccups. The sand kept mixing with the gravel, and the water wasn’t filtering as cleanly as we had hoped. Frustrated, we paused and re-evaluated our approach. Raj suggested we rinse the sand and gravel thoroughly before layering them, a step we had overlooked. It was a small detail, but it made a big difference. The next time we tested the model, the water filtered much more effectively.

Through this experience, each of us learned something valuable. Aditi, who often rushed into things, learned the importance of patience and planning. Raj, who tended to focus solely on the technical side, realized the value of teamwork and communication. Neha, always precise, learned to be more flexible and open to suggestions. As for me, I discovered the importance of balancing leadership with collaboration. It wasn’t just about keeping everyone on track; it was about ensuring everyone’s ideas were heard and valued.

On the day of the presentation, we felt proud of what we had accomplished together. Our model worked perfectly, and we received praise from Mrs. Mehta for our thorough research and teamwork. But the most rewarding part was the bond we had formed through the project. We had learned to trust each other’s abilities, to communicate effectively, and to work towards a common goal.
In the end, this project was more than just a science assignment. It was a lesson in cooperation, problem-solving, and the power of working together. We emerged from the experience not only with a successful project but with skills and friendships that would last far beyond the classroom.

(iii) 'Peer pressure is a force for good'. Express your views either for or against this statement.

For the statement:

On one hand, peer pressure can be a powerful force for good. It can motivate individuals to improve themselves and adopt positive behaviors. For instance, when a student is surrounded by hardworking and ambitious classmates, they may feel pressured to study harder and perform better academically. This kind of peer pressure can drive individuals to reach their full potential, pushing them to excel in ways they might not have otherwise considered.

Moreover, peer pressure can encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices. If a group of friends prioritizes fitness and healthy eating, others in the group may feel compelled to adopt similar habits, leading to better overall health. In this way, peer pressure can act as a catalyst for positive change, fostering good habits and discouraging harmful behaviors.

Peer pressure can also promote social harmony and cooperation. When peers encourage each other to be kind, respectful, and inclusive, it can lead to a more supportive and caring community. This kind of pressure helps individuals develop empathy and strong social skills, which are crucial for building meaningful relationships.

Against the statement:

On the other hand, peer pressure can have a detrimental effect on individuals. It can lead to poor decision-making and risky behaviors, especially when the pressure comes from peers who engage in negative activities. For example, teenagers may feel compelled to try smoking, drinking, or other harmful substances to fit in with their friends, even when they know these actions are dangerous. This type of peer pressure can lead to addiction, legal problems, and long-term health issues.

Furthermore, peer pressure can erode an individual’s sense of self. When someone constantly feels the need to conform to the expectations of others, they may lose sight of their own values, interests, and identity. This can result in a lack of confidence and self-esteem, as individuals become more concerned with pleasing others than with being true to themselves.

Peer pressure can also create a toxic environment where individuals are judged or ostracized for not adhering to certain norms. This can lead to bullying, exclusion, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The fear of being different or standing out can stifle creativity and individuality, forcing people to suppress their true selves.

Conclusion :
In conclusion, peer pressure is a double-edged sword that can be both a force for good and a source of harm. It has the potential to inspire positive change, encourage healthy habits, and foster social connections. However, it can also lead to risky behaviors, loss of identity, and negative mental health outcomes. The impact of peer pressure ultimately depends on the values and behaviors of the peers involved, as well as an individual’s ability to resist negative influences and stay true to their own principles. Therefore, it is essential to approach peer pressure with a critical mind, recognizing when it can be a helpful motivator and when it might lead us astray.

(iv) You Describe the locality in which you live. Give details of the things you see and hear as you walk around your locality. What do you especially like about the place?

My Locality: A Symphony of Sights and Sounds

I live in a bustling yet charming locality, nestled in the heart of the city. It's a place where tradition meets modernity, creating a unique blend of sights, sounds, and experiences. Every morning, as I step out for a walk, I am greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle that has become an integral part of my daily life.

The first thing that catches my eye is the row of tall, majestic trees lining the main road. Their lush green canopies provide shade, and in the early morning light, they cast long shadows that dance on the pavement. Birds chirp merrily from the branches, their songs mingling with the distant hum of traffic—a gentle reminder that the city is already awake and alive.

As I walk further, I pass by a series of small shops and stalls that have been there for as long as I can remember. The aroma of freshly baked bread from the local bakery fills the air, mingling with the scent of spices from the nearby vegetable market. Vendors call out to passersby, advertising their wares with enthusiasm. The sound of their voices, mixed with the clinking of coins and the chatter of customers, creates a lively atmosphere that I find both comforting and invigorating.

One of my favorite spots in the locality is the park situated at the end of the road. It’s a green oasis amidst the concrete, where the sounds of the city fade away, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the laughter of children playing on the swings. The park is always full of life, with joggers making their rounds, elderly people sitting on benches and exchanging stories, and young couples strolling hand in hand. There’s a small pond in the center, where ducks paddle lazily, and the occasional splash of water adds a serene note to the symphony of sounds.

Another aspect of my locality that I particularly enjoy is its sense of community. As I walk through the narrow lanes, I often hear the rhythmic thump of clothes being washed, the soft strains of a radio playing an old song, and the sound of children’s laughter echoing from the courtyards of the houses. The people here are warm and friendly, always ready with a smile or a greeting. There’s a sense of belonging that comes from knowing your neighbors and being part of a close-knit community.

In the evenings, the locality transforms into a vibrant scene. The streetlights cast a golden glow on the roads, and the aroma of street food wafts through the air as vendors set up their stalls. The sounds of the evening are different—a mix of the sizzle of food being fried, the chatter of families out for a stroll, and the occasional honk of a car navigating through the narrow lanes.

What I especially like about my locality is its ability to offer a sense of peace amidst the chaos. Despite being in the heart of the city, there are pockets of tranquility, like the park, where one can escape the noise and simply enjoy the beauty of nature. The blend of old and new, tradition and progress, gives the locality a unique character that I have come to love.

In conclusion, my locality is a place where life thrives in all its vibrancy. It is a place of contrasts, where the noise of the city meets the quiet of nature, and where the past coexists harmoniously with the present. The sights, sounds, and experiences of this locality are what make it special to me, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.

(v) Study the picture given in the question. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

A Dance of Friendship
In the small town of Maplewood, three inseparable friends, Ria, Emily, and Aarav, had grown up together, sharing countless adventures. They lived on the same street, went to the same school, and spent nearly every day together. Their bond was one of those rare, unbreakable connections that people often envied.

One bright Saturday morning, the trio decided to explore the local park, a lush, green haven that had been their playground since they were toddlers. The park was alive with the sounds of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves, creating the perfect backdrop for yet another day of fun and games.

As they wandered through the park, Emily, the most imaginative of the group, suddenly had an idea. "Let's pretend we're on a big stage, performing for an audience," she suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Ria, always eager to join in on Emily's imaginative games, immediately struck a pose. We can be dancers! Let's create our own dance routine!" she exclaimed.

Aarav, who loved any activity that involved movement, quickly agreed. "I'll be the lead! Follow my moves," he said, taking his place in front.

The three friends lined up, with Aarav in the center, Emily on his left, and Ria on his right. They began to move in unison, their arms outstretched and smiles wide. The park, their familiar playground, became their stage as they twirled, leaped, and laughed together, completely lost in their imaginary performance.

As they danced, passersby couldn't help but smile at the sight of the three friends, so full of joy and energy. Their dance was simple, just a few steps they had made up on the spot, but it was filled with the pure, unfiltered happiness that only children can express. Their movements were a testament to the bond they shared, each one in sync with the others, as if they had rehearsed their routine a thousand times.

But it wasn't just a dance—it was a celebration of their friendship. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the upcoming exams at school, not the chores waiting for them at home—just the rhythm of their steps and the warmth of their friendship.

The dance continued until they were out of breath, collapsing on the soft grass, laughing uncontrollably. As they lay there, staring up at the sky, Emily spoke up, her voice still filled with excitement. "I wish we could stay like this forever, just the three of us."

Ria nodded in agreement. "No matter where we go or what we do, we'll always be friends. Right, Aarav?"

Aarav smiled, looking at his two best friends. "Always," he said firmly. "We'll always be together, no matter what."

And with that promise, the three friends lay there, enjoying the peacefulness of the park, their hands still linked from the dance they had shared. The park had seen many of their adventures, but this one was special—a memory they would carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Years later, when they would look back on their childhood, it was this moment they would remember most vividly—the day they danced together in the park, under the bright blue sky, with nothing but friendship in their hearts and laughter in the air.

2. Select any one of the following:

(i) Your uncle was unable to attend your birthday celebrations but has sent you one thousand rupees as a gift. Write a letter thanking him, tell him how you will spend the money, and why you have made that particular choice. 


208, Tulip Apartments



29th August, 2024

Dear Uncle Mahendra,

I hope you are doing well. I missed you at my birthday celebration, but I completely understand that your work commitments kept you from attending. I was so excited when I received your letter and the wonderful gift of Rs. 1000/-. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and for thinking of me on my special day.

I’ve thought carefully about how I want to use the money, and I’ve decided to buy a new set of art supplies. As you know, drawing and painting are my favorite hobbies, and I’ve been wanting to explore more advanced techniques. With these supplies, I’ll be able to experiment with different materials and improve my skills. I believe this will not only bring me immense joy but also help me express my creativity in new and exciting ways.

Additionally, I’m planning to save a small portion of the money for a future art workshop that I’ve been wanting to attend. It’s a great opportunity to learn from professionals and meet other young artists who share the same passion. I’m really looking forward to using your thoughtful gift to pursue something I love so much.

Thank you once again for your kindness, Uncle. Your gift has not only made my birthday even more special, but it is also allowing me to do something meaningful with my passion. I hope we can meet soon, and I can show you some of the new artwork I create with your gift.

With warm regards,




302, Surya Residency

Takiya, Lucknow

28 March, 20xx

The Municipal Commissioner,
Peeli Colony
Lucknow, UP, 226005

Subject: Request for Regular Clearance of Garbage Bins in Aishbagh.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the growing issue of uncollected garbage in our locality, Takiya Aishbagh. For the past few weeks, the garbage bins in our area have not been cleared regularly, leading to an overflow of waste on the streets.

This situation has become a serious concern for the residents, as the accumulated garbage not only creates an unpleasant environment but also poses significant health risks. The stench from the overflowing bins is unbearable, especially during the hot afternoons, and the waste is attracting stray animals, rodents, and insects, increasing the likelihood of diseases spreading in our neighborhood.

Moreover, the sight of garbage littering the streets is affecting the overall cleanliness and image of our locality. The lack of timely clearance is creating an unsanitary environment, which is particularly troubling for families with young children and elderly residents who are more vulnerable to infections.

We, the residents of Aishbagh, kindly request that you take immediate action to address this issue. We urge the Municipal Corporation to ensure that the garbage bins are cleared on a regular and timely basis, as they were before. Additionally, we request that the authorities consider placing more bins in the area to accommodate the waste generated by the growing population.

We trust that you will treat this matter with urgency and take the necessary steps to restore the cleanliness and hygiene of our locality. We would appreciate a prompt response and action from your office.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. We look forward to your cooperation in resolving this matter at the earliest.

Yours sincerely,

Lakshmi Singh 


(i) Your school is hosting an Art and Craft exhibition. Write a notice informing the pupils at your school about the event. 

St. John’s School, Kanpur


25th July, 20XX

‘Let’s Explore Masterpieces’

Art and Craft Exhibition

Date: 8 th August, 20XX

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Venue: Centenary Hall, St. Johns’


All pupils from Classes IX and X who

wish to exhibit must give their names

to Mrs. Garima on or before 1st August


Neelima Jain

(Arts Department)

(ii) Write an E–mail to the principal of a neighboring school informing him/her of the event and requesting him/her to send a team to participate. 

To: stjohnsschool@gmail.com

Subject: Invitation to Inaugurate School Art Exhibition and Be Our Chief Guest

Dear Irfan,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing on behalf of the Art Department of St John's School, where we are organizing our Annual Art Exhibition on 29 December 2024, showcasing the creative works of our students.

It is with great pleasure that we extend an invitation to you to inaugurate the exhibition and honor us as the Chief Guest for the event. Your work in the field of art has been a significant source of inspiration for our students, and we believe your presence would greatly motivate them.

The exhibition will begin at 12:00 PM, followed by a brief address where we would be delighted if you could share some of your experiences and insights with the young, aspiring artists.

We sincerely hope you will consider our invitation and grace the occasion with your presence.

Looking forward to your positive response.

Warm regards,
Ashish Roy
Secretary, Art Club


(i) For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided:

1. (a) skin.

2. (d) satisfied 


(b) Difficult


(a) He liked to stretch his naked brown body out on the animal's glistening hide/back, and start singing to himself.

(b) He offered to teach the narrator to swim and give him swimming lessons every afternoon.

(c) To avoid being scolded for swimming in the village or when everyone was asleep - maybe the grownups would have been angry or they emerged in the shades of green and khaki, so would have to sneak into the house through the bathroom and bathe under the tap to get clean first.

(d) The tortoise presented by the narrator to his grandfather.

(e) It would draw its head and legs into its shell and defy all the dog's attempt at rough play.


Ramu, from a family of bonded laborers, received no schooling but was knowledgeable about folklore, birds, and animals. He and Grandfather believed in being gentle and respectful towards wildlife, emphasizing that birds and animals struggle to survive as we destroy their habitats. They stressed the importance of acknowledging their rights.



1. was not working

2. had used

3. halted/would halt

4. need

5. disappeared

6. could not believe

7. are you doing

8. will never see


(a) across

(b) against

(c) for

(d) since

(e) up

(f) down

(g) to

(h) aback


1. (c) Unless you stay still we cannot take your photograph.

2. (b) Roy's mother rang up the school office to enquire about the swimming classes at the summer camp.

3. (c) Do you know where I left my keys?

4. (b) Neither the captain nor the players should be blamed for the team's defeat. 


1. (c) No sooner did he finish speaking than the audience broke into loud applause.

2. (a) The news took everyone in my family by surprise.

3. (d) Yesterday was too much fun, wasn't it?

4. (d) I wouldn't eat that food unless I was really hungry.

5. (b) It is too hot and humid to sleep.

6. (a) I would rather go out with friends than stay alone at home.

7. (c) The teacher asked me why I had been absent the day before.

8. (a) She is one of the most graceful dancers.

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